Friday 9 August 2013

3 weeks in Edinburgh

Today is my last day in Edinburgh. I've had lots of fun here. I made a special friend, Rowland who I met at the Botanic Gardens and we played together all day. She invited me to her house in Portabello which was by the sea. We're going to be pen friends. Every night I've stayed up later and later and I don't want to wake up in the morning. It's still light when I go to bed at 10 o'clock! I've been to see lots of fun things at The Fringe Festival - my favourite was Cinderella but it was different from the movie - the step mother was on stilts and the prince was a bit chubby. I also loved going on the red story bus when a little girl from the story the man told us got on the bus with her rabbit and I got to pat her. Mummy and I went to see this amazing show where the performer danced with plastic bags. I've seen the giant pandas at the zoo and had lots of fun at the big museum here. My favourite playground has little motorbikes for 3 kids so I went there nearly every day and played with lots of children. Daddy met his friend Adam who he went to school with a long time ago and I got to play with a little girl called Imogen. Grandma and Grandad came up to see us and grandma bought me a lovely new necklace from Stockbridge Market. I've been on double decker buses nearly every day and I like sitting at the top. Daddy's been writing at the local library where I've borrowed lots of books. Everyone is really friendly in Edinburgh - I will be sad to leave tomorrow but am excited about going on 2 trains to Bath.
Artisan Roast - mummy's favourite cafe

The Botanic Gardens

I walked a lot!

My new friend Rowland and Sam
The red story bus trip
The National Museum of Scotland

My favourite playground

Giant pandas at the zoo
Our flat in Edinburgh

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