Thursday 16 January 2014


I was back on a double decker heading for Bristol airport. We were off to Amsterdam for a couple of days. Lots of people were dressed up boarding the plane ready to celebrate the New Year. Some of the men looked really strange! Our hotel was really nice and the staff were so friendly - it was a training hotel. It was really cold so we set off to find me some snow mittens and to explore the side streets. We passed people ice skating and there were huge queues outside the museums mummy and daddy thought we might go to but it was too cold to line up for hours. We had lots of fun just wandering around, going into shops and having big breakfasts. Mummy says the photos mysteriously disappeared on the camera so you won't see the photos from Amsterdam I'm afraid. The next part of my adventure was the overnight train to Zurich. The cabin was tiny and there were 3 single beds on top of each other. We all didn't sleep very well as it was noisy but we saw lots of fireworks out the window. We all loved Zurich. Now it was time for daddy's big surprise - 4 days in the snow in St Mortiz. This was part of his birthday present from mummy and me. It was amazing. The day we arrived was sunny and we got in the furnicular to take us up to our hotel. The views from the top were fantastic. I absolutely loved the 4 kms sled rides with daddy. You can see a video mummy took of us sledding from the funicular. Sometimes it was scary as we were going really fast down the mountain. We went down 5 times. That was the most fun I've had on this big trip. On the first morning, I woke up and it was snowing. There was snow piled up on our terrace. It snowed for 2 days but on our last day, it was sunny again so I played for a long time in the playground. We were all sad to leave as it had been amazing and we promised ourselves to return one day. Then it was off to Paris. I wasn't going to eat snails that was for sure. I did though eat loads of croissants. I had my portrait done in Montmatre.  I was so excited about going to disneyland. I went on the carousel 3 times, and on many other rides. I also got to meet Arial in the Princess Pavilion. We saw our good friend Jonathan and met his new wife Anne. Our fin
On the train in Switzerland

Sledding was SO much fun

Daddy and me made a great team

Our hotel in St Moritz

Snow outside our room

Mummy and me in the powder snow

Carousel in Disney

Mad Hatters tea cup ride
Arial at the Princess Pavilion

Eiffel Tower

Sacre Coeur - Montmatre
al stop was Brussels. We stayed with our friends Steve and Maria Grazia and their 2 sons Daniel and Paul. They have this amazing 6 storey house. I got to play the grand piano and sit next to Maria Grazia as she played some beautiful music. I think I'd like to learn to play the piano when I'm older. We spent the day at the European Parliament (where our friends work) and I got to chair a meeting. Our final stop to end this big adventure was where it had all started
Chairing a meeting at the European Parliament!

Dinner in Brussels with friends

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