Thursday 7 November 2013

Kas and around

I've adopted a gorgeous cat I've named Pearl. She visits every day and I look after her. She has a really sweet little miaow and curls up on the sunlounger with me. The weather just changed a couple of days ago but all of October was so nice. We drove up to a place called Yenikoy above Kas and I could see our villa on the peninsula a long way down. Mummy and I went to a hamam (Turkish bath) at the near-by Deniz Feneri Hotel - the man swirled bubbles in the air and dropped them all over us. We also went on a day trip to the Greek Island of Meis and I saw 2 turtles swimming in the harbour. I've never seen a turtle before - they were so cute. The best thing was the Captain let me steer the ferry all the way back to Kas!Mummy says we're going to another Greek island called Rhodes next week where I can ride a donkey so I can't wait for that. We're going on the big Greek ferry. Whenever we go into town, I run to see if my Turkish friend Ada is around. We play a lot in the square. I think though, that my very favourite thing has been the big party last week for Republic Day. There were, daddy says, 5000 people in the square celebrating and there were spectacular fireworks. I danced with my friends Burfin and Sedona - we had so much fun and were still playing at 11 o'clock that night. We sit most nights to watch the beautiful sunset and often go for walks after dinner. One Sunday we drove to kekova and went on a boat trip to see the sunken city. Mummy and I are doing some getting ready for school activities in the morning. I'm really excited about starting big school when we get back to Sydney.
Captain Ella - on our way back from the Greek island of Meis
Sunset from our terrace

Dancing with my friends Burfin and Sedona

My friend ferit who works in the best pide restaurant in town

My beautiful Pearl

Daddy and me up in Yenikoy looking down to the peninsula where our villa is

the Greek Island of Meis - just 30 mins by ferry from Kas

My Turkish friend Ada

Fireworks - Republic Day celebrations

Being a local- Republic Day here in Turkey
Kekova Boat trip - mid November and still sunny!

Turtle in harbour on Meis

Wednesday 16 October 2013

At our villa in Turkey

The day we travelled from Istanbul to our villa was a big adventure. First, our flight was late leaving so we were driving a long way and it was getting dark. Suddenly there were goats on the road and Ahmet, our driver had to swirve to avoid a bad accident but luckily we were all OK, not sure about the goats though. That was a bit scary. When we got to the villa it was dark but mummy and daddy had promised we could go for a swim so that's what we did. The pool's all lit up at night so it was lots of fun. We've been here a month now and I've been swimming nearly every day. I love Kapatus (Sandy Beach) and also going to Liminagzi to kayak. You can only get there by boat. We go into town a lot and I know lots of people now.  I love just playing in the square and watching all the children. I have one Turkish friend - her name is Ada and her parents own a kebab restaurant. We play together quite a bit even though I don't speak much Turkish and she doesn't speak much English. I loved it when Aunty Nicola, Uncle Nigel, Grand dad and grand ma were here - Uncle Nigel played with me lots- he's my favourite. We often get the dolmus (minibus) into town at night. Lots of children stay up late here and at the moment, it's a religious holiday so it's very busy. My favourite things to eat are bazlama (a flat bread) and fetta cheese, gozleme (pancake) with cheese and spinach, kofte (a type of meatball) and seaweed mezze but we don't know the Turkish for that. I'm getting to watch lots of new DVDs as we buy some new ones every Friday at the local market. I have learnt some Turkish words and am getting lots of kisses and treats from the Turkish people. I do miss my friends in Sydney though and Jasper and Miles.
With mummy at Kaputas Beach

Our villa
With grand dad, grand ma, Aunty Nicola, Uncle Nigel at our villa

Daddy and I love the BBQ

In Kas at night

Kaputas Beach - one of my favourites

Kayaking at Liminagzi only accessible by boat

Wednesday 9 October 2013


Horse and carriage ride - Princess islands - Istanbul
Mummy has been spending too much time at the beach and forgetting my travel blog. When we left Bath, we drove to Aunty Joanna's house in Leicester for a few days. I met my cousins Harry and Lewis for the first time. They're teenagers so spend a lot of time in their bedrooms. We then drove to Aunty Cecily's house in Essex and I saw Claire again who came to Sydney this year. I also met my cousins Ellie and Joseph. They are SO lucky as they have a trampoline in their backyard. I went on it all the time. Claire and Ellie took me to see The Lion King in London which was fantastic but I was a little scared sometimes. Claire and Ellie are big girls and we had lots of fun together. We then flew to Istanbul. On my first day we went to the Grand Bazaar and I bought a belly dancing outfit. I tried it out at a cafe and lots of people were watching me. While daddy was at the conference with Lynn, mummy and me went on 2 ferries. The first time we went to The Princess Islands and we got to ride in a horse and carriage around the island. That was lots of fun. I wanted to go around again but mummy said it cost too much money. The next time we went on a Bosphorous cruise and we saw lots of amazing palaces and houses on the water. We went out for dinner every night and my favourite thing to eat was fried calamari. Mummy and me went shopping and I bought some more dress ups. We stayed in a small hotel and the owner, Shanur was so nice to me all the time - she bought me a Turkish CD so I could dance in my belly dancing outfit. Daddy and me would race up the stairs and mummy would get the lift and we'd see who got to the top first. We caught the tram a lot and we had to squash in because it was so crowded. I also loved balik ekmek - that's a fish sandwich. We'd go down to the fish market and buy one from an old man. They were yum scum - fresh fish with tomatoes, herbs and lemon in a bread roll. Mummy said they cost only $3. I also love portakale su which is freshly squeezed orange juice which you can buy everywhere. I was pretty tired to be honest in the afternoons as it was really hot so sometimes I just got into bed and watched a DVD. I'm excited about seeing our villa for the first time. Time to pack my bag again.
With my cousins Claire and Ellie

At the Grand Bizarre

My belly dancing outfit

Bosphorous cruise

Dinner with a view with daddy, mummy and Lynn

View of Galata Tower - Istanbul (our hotel was just behind it)

Yummy cakes in Istanbul

Thursday 29 August 2013

Bath, Somerset

I've been in Bath, Somerset for 3 weeks and my last day is tomorrow. We're then going to Aunty Joanna's house for a few days then Aunty Cecily's. It's been lots of fun and every day has been different. There's a huge playground here with a carousel AND a bouncy castle so mummy and I went there lots. I met my new friend Ettie there and we have had 2 playdates. I will see Ettie again when we are back in Bath before Xmas. I've dressed up a lot in old fashioned clothes and even as a nun at an abbey. I loved it when Aunty Joanna, Aunty Nicola and Uncle Nigel came to stay and also, we spent the day with Celia, a friend of daddy's, and her son Joe in Bristol. We also went to the countryside a couple of times, which was fun. You can even see the countryside from our flat. Mummy and I love going to the old fashioned tea rooms for cream tea - they give you a colour timer so you know when your tea is ready. I've walked a lot every day and there's lots of secret stairs and cobbled streets. We had dinner in an Italian restaurant under ground. There are people playing instruments and singing in the streets every day. Mummy and I went to the Roman Baths at night time and I talked to an old Roman lady who told me stories about life in the olden days.
Blue skies most days!

Bath Abbey

I loved the bouncy castle!

and the carousel!

Our friends Celia and Joe from Bristol

My new friend Ettie
Dinner under ground

Lacock Abbey

Stourhead Gardens
The Royal Crescent

National Trust Property - Stourhead
View from our flat
Dressing up at Lacock Abbey

Friday 9 August 2013

3 weeks in Edinburgh

Today is my last day in Edinburgh. I've had lots of fun here. I made a special friend, Rowland who I met at the Botanic Gardens and we played together all day. She invited me to her house in Portabello which was by the sea. We're going to be pen friends. Every night I've stayed up later and later and I don't want to wake up in the morning. It's still light when I go to bed at 10 o'clock! I've been to see lots of fun things at The Fringe Festival - my favourite was Cinderella but it was different from the movie - the step mother was on stilts and the prince was a bit chubby. I also loved going on the red story bus when a little girl from the story the man told us got on the bus with her rabbit and I got to pat her. Mummy and I went to see this amazing show where the performer danced with plastic bags. I've seen the giant pandas at the zoo and had lots of fun at the big museum here. My favourite playground has little motorbikes for 3 kids so I went there nearly every day and played with lots of children. Daddy met his friend Adam who he went to school with a long time ago and I got to play with a little girl called Imogen. Grandma and Grandad came up to see us and grandma bought me a lovely new necklace from Stockbridge Market. I've been on double decker buses nearly every day and I like sitting at the top. Daddy's been writing at the local library where I've borrowed lots of books. Everyone is really friendly in Edinburgh - I will be sad to leave tomorrow but am excited about going on 2 trains to Bath.
Artisan Roast - mummy's favourite cafe

The Botanic Gardens

I walked a lot!

My new friend Rowland and Sam
The red story bus trip
The National Museum of Scotland

My favourite playground

Giant pandas at the zoo
Our flat in Edinburgh

Thursday 25 July 2013

My week in London

My favourite things in London were seeing the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace, going on the double decker buses, picnics in the park at night, choosing 2 new toys at Hamley's and the carousel next to the Princess Diana playground. The worst thing was being stung by a bee on the underground. It was really hot each day so I chose a new hat with flowers on it. I ate ham and cheese croissants nearly every day but then mummy made me eat porridge. I had the best butter chicken ever at an Indian restaurant with our friend John. London was really crowded and on our final day we went to the Wallace Collection and had the yummiest high tea. I ate 3 finger sandwiches, a scone with jam and cream and a little cake and drank pink lemonade. I would say London was lots of fun.